A family story: winemakers since 1938

Once upon a time there were our grandparents, precursors of the story we are about to tell you: right in Campomarino, in 1938, our father's parents settled and planted the first vineyards, almost as if they wanted to resume another ancient tradition. In the pre-Romanesque period, the Samnites appreciated the art of viticulture and the ability of this land to return a selection of what became the best Italian vines. It is no coincidence that the Roman writer Pliny the Elder defined them as "excellent wines of Italy".

In 1960 our maternal grandparents, originally from Cercemaggiore and who had emigrated years earlier to Alsace to work in an important winery in the region, decided to return to Molise, to Campomarino, a land cradled by the wind, bathed by the sea and embraced by the sun, even on the coldest winter days.

Their home was just 100 meters from our paternal grandparents' farm. It was an opportunity for our parents to get to know each other, get married in 1978 and carry on the families' passion: the cultivation of vines.

In the spring of 2014 Michele returns to Molise after his university training and work outside the region. Thus, Tenute Martarosa was born, a story of returns and new beginnings.

In 2016 for the first time, our grapes are not sold, but processed internally for the production of wines.

2017 is finally the year of the first bottles sold, a year that we will all remember with great emotion.

More than fifty years have passed since the first cultivations in Alberello, and from the musts that we initially shared with family and friends.
The land cultivated with vineyards is now around 20 hectares and hosts the varieties of Fiano, Malvasia, Trebbiano, Moscato, Montepulciano and Tintilia. Our grandparents were joined over time by our parents, Pasquale and Antonietta, and later by us, Michele and Pierluigi.
We have preserved the strength that only a united family can have, the dream of producing our bottles across generations, the passion for that wine that returns every year and has something new to teach us.
Through the stories of the past, the knowledge acquired and a look towards the future, we continue to work our land with special attention to the environment and its perfect balance.